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Application Support (TMA)

Whether it’s occasional or continuous long-term assistance that you need, consider the EI-Technologies MENA Application Support team as your back office. Our offshore team of project managers, solution architects, senior consultants and developers will look after your production environments and offer support on a need basis, to fix issues, assist your users to ensure and facilitate adoption, and implement new requirements. We tailor support packages in man-days to suit any specific needs. EIT-MENA currently serves more than 60 clients across the region with its proven methodology and specialized tools.

Our pragmatic approach is based on our diverse consulting experiences and expertise, combining our clients' business knowledge with Salesforce expertise. We have made a significant investment in AI + Data Cloud in Salesforce, with successful references from numerous clients across various industries. Our team can work with you to assess the AI possibilities for your CRM, explore Salesforce AI through a common use case, provide you with the best practice to clean and unify your data by using Data Cloud and ultimately enhance your CRM with advanced Salesforce AI and Data management features.

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